I loved this week's Diva Challenge! The blind string - one of my favourites. My string ended up being a really closely drawn circle/loop. I wasn't sure what to do with it, but it ended up kind of creating itself. I think it has an underwater-type feel.
Striping, Flux, Dragonair, Nipa, Verdigogh, Tipple |
Something else that I had wanted to share was my new found love of beading. I went to a "beginner" workshop last Monday, and began working on a bracelet that required several different bead types, fireline, and A LOT of skill! I'd never beaded before, and was completely overwhelmed, but when I finished it yesterday, I was so happy with the result, that I'm planning another visit to this little bead store soon (tomorrow or Wednesday, perhaps!). Great - another hobby that prevents me from marking!
My first-ever beading adventure! More to come - I've already signed up for another beading workshop! |